Birkenhead RSA


Obverse: The United Nations global projection emblem, above which are the letters "UN".

Reverse: Plain, with the legend "IN THE SERVICE OF PEACE".

Size: 35mm in diameter.

Ribbon: 35mm wide, the ribbon for this medal has two outer bands of light UN blue, symbolising the presence of the United Nations. The inner band in dark blue symbolises the International Security presence and the co-operation and support received from it. Between the inner and outer bands are two narrow bands in white to symbolise the overall objective to promote peace for all the people in Kosovo. Ninety days of service in the Mission was necessary to qualify for award of the medal.

Suspension: The ribbon is threaded through a 12mm diameter ring, which passes through a loop fixed to the top of the piece. The ring will move forwards and backwards.

United Nations Interim Administration Mission In Kosovo was established on 10 June 1999 by adoption of the Security Council Resolution 1244. The goal of the mission is the resolution of the grave humanitarian situation in Kosovo, through the implementation of return of refugees and prevention of the escalation of conflict between parties in the region. New Zealand contributed military liaison officers to this force, which continues today.

Several New Zealand Defence Force personnel who have served with UNMIK have been awarded the NATO KFOR medal in acknowledgement of the close liaison they had with KFOR in their roles with UNMIK. These personnel are permitted to accept the KFOR medal as a memento only.

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